
The Rose Society UK Constitution and Rules


The Title shall be The Rose Society UK - the web address will be http//


The objectives of the Society shall be to promote and stimulate interest in growing roses and through education improve people’s knowledge of roses. To encourage and promote the cultivation of roses. To organise and to promote competitive amateur rose competitions.



Membership shall be open to individuals and partners. Rose and Horticultural Societies or Groups, both nationally and internationally, who have an interest in the objectives of the Society may apply for affiliated membership. Members shall be contacted regularly via email and the website member’s area. Postal Membership (at an addition rate) will be available to those who have no email facility these members will be contacted by surface mail under the terms of their membership. Postal Membership is not available to non-UK residents.



All members shall pay an annual subscription at a rate to be decided by the Committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting each year.

Subscriptions will be due on the anniversary of the joining date.



A President, recommended by the committee, shall be elected every three years at an Annual General Meeting.

Vice President

A Vice President, recommended by the committee, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to succeed the current President at the end of theend of their three year term of office.



Patrons may be nominated by the executive committee for services to the Society and approved at the Annual General meeting


 Management and Administration

The policy and general management of the Society shall be vested in a management Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting which shall consist of the following officers (who will make up the Executive Committee)


Vice Chair



Members of the Main Committee should have a direct area of responsibility which will include;

  • Membership Secretary
  • PR and Fundraising                       
  • Chair of Judges                              
  • Chair of Shows
  • Chair of Breeders Group                                
  • WFRS / International Representation
  • BARB
  • Trials
  • Publications
  • Newsletter editor                    
  • Webmaster                      
  • Scotland                            
  • Wales  
  • Ireland
  • Researcher

A committee shall be elected of not less than six and not more than twelve members.

Committee members may be elected to more than one role

Nominations for election of the committee are to be proposed and seconded and elected on a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations should be sent to the Secretary prior to the meeting.

All committee members shall be eligible for re-election annually.

Co-option, if a casual vacancy occurs for any reason or the committee require specialist advice they are empowered to co-opt or fill the vacancy. The co-opted person may serve until the elections at next Annual General Meeting

The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of the Society’s finances, which shall be independently reviewed annually and presented to the AGM.

An account shall be opened in the name of the Society at a suitable bank or other financial institution.

The Treasurer shall at all times be a signatory along with any one of the other two specified roles unless agreed otherwise at an Extraordinary General Meeting  (EGM) or an AGM.

A shop Manager shall be appointed to; manage stock control and dispatch shop items.


Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting shall be held at a time and venue to be decided by the Committee and must be held within 15 months of the previous meeting. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given for the meeting. This notice time also applies to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Only fully paid up members shall be allowed to attend and to vote at any Society meeting. Records of attendance will be kept

The business of the meeting shall include;

To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

To consider the Chairman’s annual report

To receive and approve the Society’s accounts

To approve the committees nomination of President

To elect officers and Committee members of the society

Nominations must be received by the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting

To consider and vote on any amendments to the constitution

To consider any other business for which fourteen days’ notice must be given

This constitution may only be altered or amended by a two thirds majority of those members present at Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting of the Society

Sub Committees will be formed when required for areas that may include;

  • Shows
  • Judges
  • Publications
  • Breeders Group

The notice of the AGM or EGM must include the Agenda and notice of any proposed resolutions and setting out terms of the alterations or amendments.

The Quorum for an AGM or EGM shall be a minimum of twelve members

The Quorum for any Main Committee meeting shall be a minimum of six members which must consist of at least two members of Executive Committee.  Meetings may be held using electronic conference means.

Any matters not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Main Committee

The members of Executive Committee will be ex officio members of all sub committees

A copy of the ‘Constitution and Rules’ approved at the Annual General Meeting shall be published in the Member's Area ofSociety website

The above document was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 16th April 2023